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Real Life Christian Church

Current Series

Asking for a Friend is a series on how we all have questions that we would like answered. Well, look no further than the Great Book! Join us as Pastor Jake dives in to the Bible to find the answers to all those questions we might have.


Catch up on all of the recent sermon series at Omega Church!

This is a study on the

Book of Acts.

A study of The Holy Spirit and His active role

in the lives of Christians today.

Samuel lived a life devoted to God. From his miracle birth, to the annointing of Kings in Israel, and finally to his peace filled passing; Samuel served as a hero of the faith. His life leaves behind teaching that points to Jesus Christ and gives applicable direction to our lives.

At times we need to hear a Good Teacher repeat Himself. As Jesus sat on a mountain teaching His disciples, He delievered a fresh perspective on what it means to truly follow Him. As we open up Matthew chapters five and six, it is our goal to be refreshed by those same teachings.

This Christmas Season we celebrate the Good NEWS: That Christ is Born. Each week we unpack a classic Christmas Carol and the meaning it has for Christ's Church.

What should Christ's Church look like? Join in each week as we unpack the Purpose, Principles, and Practices of a New Testament Church.

From time to time Real Life is blessed to have speakers, including missionaries and Bible College Professors. The sermons they deliever can be found here.

Even before Jesus was born, His purpose was outlined by God. Jesus purpose and His suffering still impacts the life of His followers today. Join in as we walk through Psalm 22 and seek to understand the role of suffering in our lives today.

The ressurection of Jesus Christ changed EVERYTHING! That same power lives in every person who follows Him today. In this series we learn how to be obedient to Jesus and allow that Holy Spirit power to effectively change our lives.

What does it mean to "bear the fruit of the spirit?" In this series we walk through Paul's entire list to explore and unpack how the Fruit of the Spirit are the overflow of the God's Spirit in a Disciple.

Meet our pastor.

Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church, we know we are the place for you. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday! We would love to get to know you. We want to see lives changed here by the power of Jesus Christ, and we see that happen every week when someone steps through our doors. We look forward to meeting you! God bless.