Family Camp

July 7th- 10th 2024


Games, Lake, Worship, Fishing & Fellowship

Register by MAY 5th

Casting our Nets

At Camp we will have fun for the whole family including HIKES, FISHING, & GAMES.

During our worship times Pastor Jake will be sharing Tips and Tools for sharing our Faith with those God places in our lives. 


Fireside Worship
The Camp Grounds
Fireside Worship
The Camp Grounds

The Camp Grounds

Wilderness Lake Christian Camp

Wilderness Lake Christian Camp, outside Sisters, is a remote get away with private lake access. There is on-site lodging, families will need to pack for adventure! Camp is a blessed time to get away and connect deeper with God and those He has placed in our lives.

New Series

Pastor Jake  |  Church in the Wild (A Study of Acts)

Join us as Pastor Jake starts us of on a new series this Sunday mornings. In it we will be walking through the Book of Acts, looking at how God started and spread His Church through faithful Christians!